last night was truly a pleasure. It felt good. It felt right. We rallied a lot of first timers who really heard us and stomped their feet, clapped their hands, and most likely ran home to get some sweet lovin'. Thats what our show does to people. Its amazing!
I plan to hit the streets with our team of wonder boys on Sunday to drag some more butts into those seats and show them what they've been missing while they were waiting for Wicked tickets and keeping fingers crossed for that Lion King business. We got the goods, kids and we're just chilling out on 43rd dying to share it with you.
I have to admit something here.. Sometimes, I google myself. I know, I know.. I think we all do it from time to time, but I wasn't a real googler until T2R when I wanted to know if there was buzz. I wanted to find out who was talking and where. I needed it. Like a drug, I needed to google myself and "Things to Ruin." This morning, I found a surprise waiting for me. You know that Post Secret page? It's this thing you send in postcards with secrets you haven't told anyone without a return address. They pick some, put 'em up on their website and even have a few books out with some of the best ones they've ever received. Well, there's a site that does this strictly about B'way. , I stumbled across something that made me feel like Horton's who, finally heard.

Blood and Pheromones,
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