Saturday, March 14, 2009

Take a Breath Girl and Dry Your Eyes

We here at T2R sure have been missing you all somethin' terrible these days.

After that unfortunate turn of events over at the Zipper Factory, we have been workin' our paws off to find just the right spot to bring our little show back to the world, because every day that goes by without a show is a day we cant sing you a spell or pass you a bottle. We happen to love doing both. We know, we know... we keep teasing you with when and where Things To Ruin might make its triumphant return. But rest assured babies, there is a new light on the horizon and some good news is close at hand. Just you wait, this one is gonna knock your socks off.

Check back soon and until you hear from us again, be good and keep them washboard nickels shined and your tambo ticklers limber.

Blood and Pheromones
Jason "SweetTooth" Williams